Screw-assisted reconstruction is an advanced dental procedure that utilizes screws to secure and stabilize dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, or prosthetics, in the jawbone. This technique involves precise placement of screws to anchor the restoration securely, ensuring long-term stability and functionality. The screw-assisted approach contributes to the durability of dental reconstructions and plays a crucial role in achieving a secure and natural-feeling outcome for patients. This innovative method exemplifies our commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technology for optimal dental solutions.
Conduct thorough preoperative planning, including digital imaging, to determine the optimal placement of screws for the upcoming reconstruction.
Administer local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort during the screw-assisted reconstruction procedure.
Precisely place screws in predetermined locations to secure and stabilize the dental restoration.
Attach the dental prosthesis, such as a crown or bridge, to the secured screws for a stable and functional reconstruction.
Make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper alignment and occlusion for optimal oral function.
Close incision sites with sutures, if required, to facilitate proper healing.
Provide postoperative care instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure the long-term success of the screw-assisted reconstruction.