

Working Time

  • Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
  • Friday 07:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday 08:00 - 18:00




The JetPeel is a non-invasive multi-step dermal infusion system that delivers immediate visible results without downtime or skin irritation!

The process combines oxygen and saline, and creates a jet stream of micro-droplets. The Jet power reaches a velocity of up to 600 ft/sec, this powerful but, yet, gentle jet stream is used to exfoliate the skin’s surface without causing irritation.

JetPeel infusion technology reaches the dermal layer of the skin where the skin is cleansed, exfoliated, and infused with serums to stimulate collagen and elastin.







JetPeel Process FAQs


What skin concerns can JetPeel address?
  • JetPeel is versatile and can address a range of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, acne, enlarged pores, and dehydrated skin. It provides a non-invasive option for skin rejuvenation.


Is JetPeel painful?
  • JetPeel is generally well-tolerated and not considered painful. Individuals may feel a mild tingling or cooling sensation during the treatment.


Can JetPeel be performed on body areas other than the face?
  • While JetPeel is commonly used on the face, it can be adapted for use on various body areas, such as the neck, chest, and hands, providing a comprehensive solution for overall skin rejuvenation.


Is there downtime after a JetPeel treatment?
  • Downtime is minimal with JetPeel. Some individuals may experience mild redness, but this usually subsides shortly after the treatment. Makeup can often be applied immediately, allowing for a quick return to normal activities.


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